Friday, 26 April 2019

Romantic activities to do in winter

As the winter hits, couples often find activities are much more limited to the summer months, however, that’s not the case. With winter, you just need to be on the lookout for events and a little bit more creative with what you can do.

Movie night - The first idea is the ever so classic movie night in. Majority of us would rather spend our winter evenings cozied up inside watching movies with all the snacks in-sight rather than hitting the clubs. To make the movie night a bit different; build yourself an indoor fort. It can have loads of pillows, blankets, fairy lights and of course, any takeaway you wish.

Bowling - Probably one of the best and most competitive indoor activities, bowling has to be up there with things to do in winter. You could challenge each other to a game, have a classic burger and fries, and then have a go on all the arcade machines. A bowling alley has plenty to do!

Baking day - If you’d like to get a little bit more creative than a baking day will be right up your street. You can make each other's favorite sweet treats and have a laugh in the process.

Scrapbooking afternoon - Another creative idea is scrapbooking. Winter time is the perfect period to look back over old memories and documenting them in a book. Print out all your latest photos and see what you’ve collected over the years and compile them in a scrapbook. It’ll be a reminiscent activity to do together.

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