Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Escape The Mundane Realm By Immersing Into The World Of Fiction

Neuroscientists have discovered that reading fiction helps improve the function of the brain at a diversified level. Today, people have shifted from hard copies to eBooks on phones and tablets to catch up with their favorite writers and stories on platforms like Mybymedia.

Researchers have found that people who buy fiction are comparatively higher in count than the ones who buy non-fiction. Experts believe that in most cases, only 3 or 4 books of the top 20 books list in a particular year are non-fiction. Which means, people are more inclined to read fiction over non-fiction. Escaping into a fantasy world is more desirable than reading about real life inspirational stories. Escape from our routine is what we desire the most, and books are the perfect escape.

Reading a nice fiction novel widens your imagination scope. It gives you an opportunity to step into am alternate realm, leaving the burdens and stress of your everyday life behind. Many try to capture the essence of a book through movie adaptations, but it can never match up to the raw emotions that the characters in a novel portray. Your imagination has the power to go beyond the high-quality visualization of high-tech VFX software.

You don’t need to travel the world to teleport to a different world and gain some respite form the daily grind. If you want to get your hands on some fantastic novels, you can visit Mybymedia and sign up to reading unlimited books. You can also go through some of the customer testimonials, to know a little about their services.

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